Saturday Jul 5, 2025
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Tickets are $35 and are available online the day of the tour
The lovely seaside village of Magnolia has been chosen for the 2025 Generous Gardeners Garden Tour. Once home to grand summer hotels, this storied enclave is now filled with beautiful homes, stunning waterfront scenery, and flourishing gardens. Each garden on the tour offers a different and inviting array of shrubs and blossoms, artfully arranged and carefully tended by their owners. Stroll along Shore Road viewing over a dozen private gardens, many with glorious ocean views. This easygoing 1.6 mile tour showcases a variety of cottage gardens, rose gardens, estate gardens and also includes an amazing Olmsted garden. We suggest purchasing tickets in advance on our website at: Tickets will also be available at the start of the tour at the Magnolia Library and Community Center, 1 Lexington Avenue, Gloucester. Parking is available on streets throughout the tour area and shuttle buses will be available for assistance.
Rain or shine. No pets. Photography welcome.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce for more information.
24 Harbor Loop, Gloucester, MA 01930 – (978) 283-1601 –