CAIC (Cape Ann Innovators Collaborative) Six Lightning Talks
Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
There is no charge for this event.
Light appetizers and a cash bar will be offered
Contact Information
Michelle Pepin: 978-283-1601
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Inform. Inspire. Spark! is a series of 5-minute talks sharing momentum-building work happening on greater Cape Ann in the areas of community celebrations, investment, arts and culture, decarbonization, coastal resilience, and design.
The lightning talks will be followed by short, interactive breakout sessions and Q&A at tables where you can learn ways to get involved.
- 400+ Years in 12 Months: Isabel Pett, Events Manager, Gloucester 400+
- The Future of Gloucester’s Downtown: David Fields, Community Development Director, City of Gloucester
- Supporting Arts Now: Karen Ristuben, Program Director at Essex County Community Foundation's Creative County Initiative
- Electrify Greater Cape Ann: Maureen Aylward, Director, TownGreen, Inc.
- Demonstrating Coastal Resilience: Dr. Katie Kahl, UMASS Amherst Gloucester Marine Station
- Design in Everything: David Minogue, President of Spade Graphic Design
An initiative of the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce, CAIC is a collaborative of innovators, entrepreneurs, makers, artists, designers, developers and producers dedicated to supporting people from all walks of life in their endeavors to create lasting, innovative change, with the ultimate objective of growing the economy and creating new jobs. The CAIC Forums are designed to Inform and Inspire.