Virtual Workshop: Pest Management in Your Veggie Garden
Date and Time
Friday Jun 23, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
June 23, 2023, 5-6pm
FREE for Backyard Growers Program Participants (eg 2023 Backyard Garden, Community Garden, GrowBag Garden) or $15 general admission.
Proceeds support our work empowering people to grow their own food.
Learn more and reserve your spot here.
Contact Information
Backyard Growers
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Healthy soil, sanitary tools, and cooperation with other life forms are the keys to our most effective approach to pest management in your vegetable garden: prevention! In this online workshop, Backyard Growers will walk you through how to minimize human, microbiological, and plant risk by using the ecosystem as the starting point to diagnose pest issues threatening your harvest.