Town Green - Planning for Reality Series - Climate Education Programs
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
ZOOM Registration Link: bit.ly/TGManchester1
Contact Information
Maureen Aylward
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Webinar 1: Zoom
Sea Level Rise and Flooding in the Downtown
Manchester-by-the-Sea's downtown recently experienced flooding in areas that are vulnerable to sea level rise. TownGreen's Planning for Reality Series looks at areas of special concern in Manchester-by-the-Sea, particularly Town Hall/Police Station, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Fire Station and the central commercial area.
A panel including Harvard GSD Profesor Charles Waldheim, HydroPredictions President Dr. Jayne Knott, and local experts will provide perspectives on the recent flooding events, potential impact from the future storms, and show maps and visuals of sea level rise projections. Roads and other infrastructure impacts will also be addressed. The webinar will include Q&A.