Silent Voices Rembered
Date and Time
Thursday May 2, 2024
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church
$45 Preferred
$30 General
$10 Students (all ages)
Under 12 Free

Gloucester Meetinghouse Foundation and Temple Ahavat Achim Present
Silent Voices Remembered
A Yom Hashoah Commemoration concert by The Essex Piano Trio
Although the subject is dark, the music is gorgeous, representing the work of five composers including Dimitri Shostakovich. It is the third event in our biennial series honoring the worldwide commemoration of the Holocaust, Yom Hoshoah. While mourning the atrocities of genocide--as only art can---this concert celebrates the courage and resilience of those who survive and recognizes the tragic loss of all people targeted by senseless hate and violence.