SeniorCare Meals on Wheels Fundraiser Breakfast
Date and Time
Friday Mar 31, 2023
7:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Friday, March 31, 2023
7:00am - 9:30am
Gloucester House Restaurant
63 Rogers Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
$20 per person
tickets: https://seniorcareinc.org/meals-on-wheels-fundraiser-breakfast-2023/
Contact Information
Jeanette Nolan
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SeniorCare Meals on Wheels Fundraiser...
“A Wicked Good Breakfast for a Wicked Good Cause”
SeniorCare Inc. will hold its 49th annual Meals on Wheels Breakfast Fundraiser Breakfast at The Gloucester House, located at 63 Rogers Street in downtown Gloucester on Friday, March 31, 2023, from 7:00 am to 9:30 am. Tickets are $20 per person and include a buffet breakfast. Tickets are available online at www.seniorcareinc.org or may be purchased at the door. Proceeds from the breakfast will benefit SeniorCare’s Meals on Wheels program. Exciting raffle and auction items will be available for bidding at the breakfast—including a 6-hour fishing trip aboard the television hit series Wicked Tuna’s “Hard Merchandise” with Captain Dave Marciano!SeniorCare’s Meals on Wheels program brings a daily meal right to the door of homebound elders, Monday through Friday. Menus are designed by nutrition experts to meet the needs of older adults and are prepared by a professional caterer. In addition, the Meals on Wheels delivery team provides daily contact to homebound elders—often their only human interaction that day! From a social perspective, many seniors look forward to their daily Meals on Wheels visit. SeniorCare currently delivers Meals on Wheels to more than 600 older adults each day. Annually, this means 168,000 home-delivered meals and 24,000 meals served at dining sites in Beverly, Gloucester, Essex, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Rockport, Ipswich, Hamilton, Topsfield, and Wenham.
Sponsorship opportunities for the Breakfast are available at a variety of price points. For information about the breakfast or to become a sponsor, contact Jeanette Nolan at 978-281-1750 or jeanette.nolan@seniorcareinc.org. Please join us for what will be a wicked good time!