SeniorCare 49th Anniversary Celebration
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
Thursday, October 14, 2021, 9am-10am
$50 registration fee
Contact Information
SeniorCare 978-281-1750
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SeniorCare’s 49th Anniversary Celebration Goes Virtual!
SeniorCare’s Board of Directors and staff are excited to have the opportunity to commemorate 49 years of service to elders, adults with disabilities, caregivers and others on the North Shore and to honor our community heroes—Massachusetts Senator Bruce Tarr, Ipswich Resident Nathaniel Pulsifer, Pharmacist Alex Doyle of Conley’s Drug Store in Ipswich, and the Meals on Wheels team and volunteer Medical Transportation drivers—all who have continued to provide critical services throughout the pandemic.
The celebration, which was originally planned as a breakfast buffet, will take place online on the morning of Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 9am. We will honor our heroes and our amazing staff, and a fun surprise is in the works. In addition, we will kick off our year-long salute to our 50th year of service! Gift Bags will be available for pickup prior to the event (Oct 11-13) so that our participants can join us in having a warm cup of coffee or tea during the event.
Tickets to SeniorCare’s 49th Anniversary Virtual Celebration are $50 and can be purchased online at www.seniorcareinc.org. Sponsorships and advertising opportunities are also available.
For additional information, please contact SeniorCare at 978-281-1750.