Our Stories Continue: Illuminating Gloucester's 2nd and 3rd Centuries, 1723-1822 and 1823 - 1922
Date and Time
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
The Blue Collar Cafe in The Gloucester House, 63 Rogers St., Gloucester, MA
Event is free. Masks are required for entry and may be removed once seated. Due to Covid-19 safety protocols, the audience is being asked to pre-register seating at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gloucester400-illuminating-our-2nd-and-3rd-centuries-1723-1922-tickets-207935208807?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Contact Information

Gloucester 400 is taking a look at Gloucester's 2nd and 3rd centuries during the Saturday, November 27, 2021, 3:00PM program " “Our Stories Continue: Illuminating Gloucester’s 2nd and 3rd centuries, 1723-1822 and 1823-1922”.
The free event at The Blue Collar Cafe in The Gloucester House is a follow up to the first Gloucester 400 event in November 2019 "Our Stories Begin: 1623-1722". The 2019 event was held at the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church with great attendance despite torrential rain, gale winds and scattered power outages.
The pandemic prevented shining light on the continued story of Gloucester's growth into our second century planned for 2020. The Gloucester 400 event that would have concentrated on Gloucester's second century, 1723- 1822, was to be held simultaneously with Plymouth 400 during their "Illuminate Thanksgiving" event. Sadly, neither event nor Plymouth 400's long planned commemoration happened.
Now, Gloucester 400 is taking the opportunity to pick up where we left off in 2019 in the lead up to 2023 during the November 27, 2021program.
Though not an in depth look at two hundred years of Gloucester's timeline, two Narrators will lightly lead us through historical aspects of our 2nd and 3rd centuries, touching on significant events in the New England colony, our newly formed country and in the world that impacted Gloucester’s growth, her people and their progress as an ever evolving and growing community.
The many waves of immigration to Gloucester from other countries will be especially important throughout the program as we look at the two centuries of our 400 year timeline.
Musical interludes, readings and screen shots relating to the two centuries will thread throughout the program.
A cash bar will be available before the 3:00PM event begins.
Masks are required for entry and may be removed once seated.