"Monkey" presented by Lanes Coven
Date and Time
Friday Nov 11, 2022 Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Friday November 11th, 7:30pm
Saturday November 12th, 7:30pm
Sunday November 13th, 3:00pm & 7:30pm
Thursday November 17th, 7:30pm
Friday November 18th, 7:30pm
Saturday November 19th, 7:30pm
Sunday November 20th, 7:30pm
Gloucester Stage Theater, 267 E Main Street, Gloucester MA
Admission for Students is $20, Admission for Adults is $25 for "standard sides" or $45 for "premium center" seats. Part of Lanes Coven's mission is to be financially accessible. But theater is a communal effort. Therefore if you can pay $45 for a ticket, please do, because we need you, and you help us therefore provide for those who can't. Tickets are free to educators, so email us if you need a comp, and as always, if you are a Cape Ann area resident, and you ever cannot afford it, please email us at lanescoven@gmail.com stating that you are in a financial situation and need a comp.
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"Monkey," is a new comedy by Rachel Greenhoe, Lanes Coven's first world premiere. Experience the acting talents of Caroline Harvey (they/them), co-owner of Gloucester's own DogTown Books; and Lily Narbonne (she/her), Producing Artistic Director of Lanes Coven. Monkey also stars visiting actors, Madeline Yagle(she/her) & Juliet Wolfe(she/they). "Monkey" is about queer relationships, neurodivergence and disability. Susan, (Madeline Yagle), has lived a relatively sheltered life, but when she starts dating Maige (Caroline Harvey), Susan finally has to confront the stresses of adulthood while managing her own “monkey mind.” Tickets are online at lanescoven.com/tickets ... The show runs November 11th-20th, 7:30pm, including one matinee on November 13th at 3:00; all indoors at Gloucester Stage. Please be prepared with a mask, and be extra prepared by bringing a friend and introducing them to the fun of Lanes Coven! ** Also, please look out for upcoming details on talk-backs after the shows, dates TBA, which will be very educational and informative. See you in November!