Improbable Places Poetry Tour 2024
Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT

The Beverly Regional Airport will host a night of poetry as part of The Improbable Places Poetry Tour. The tour is the brainchild of Montserrat College of Art Writing Studio Director and poet Colleen Michaels.
Guests should gather at the airport’s main terminal and will proceed to one of the airport’s hangars for the 7pm readings to begin and viewing of an art intervention by artist Liz Nofziger.
The poems are solicited in advance by Michaels based on the theme of the airport, airplanes, flight, or anything to do with air travel. Poets submitting must be present to read their poems on the evening of Oct. 22. Poems are chosen by Michaels. Submissions can be sent to colleen.michaels@montserrat.edu no later than Friday, October 17, 2024.
The Improbable Places Poetry Tour is Montserrat College of Art’s way of bringing together poets and enthusiastic listeners to celebrate the power of poetry and community. At each tour stop a new venue and theme is selected. Started in 2010 by Michaels, the Improbable Places Poetry Tour has traveled from bike shops to power plants, and from tattoo parlors to Viking ships, with a line-up of poets each reading one poem.