First Degree/Shoden Reiki Training: 15 CE's for Nurses, Case Managers and Social Workers
Date and Time
Saturday Feb 8, 2020
10:00 AM - 6:30 PM EST
Saturday and Sunday. February 8th and 9th. 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Dreamtime Wellness on the Lake. 187 Lake St. Peabody MA.
Contact us for Details and Advance Registration. (Early Registration Discount offered through January 10th).
Contact Information
Karen Pischke BSN, RN, Usui Reiki Master Teacher/Komyo Reiki Shihan
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2-Day Training - Saturday, February 8 and Sunday, February 9th. 10 a.m. - 6:30 pm
This 15-hour workshop includes: 4 Reiju/attunments, instruction, discussion, meditation, a standardized manual and hands-on practice.
Note: For a 'Certificate of Completion' as 1st Degree Reiki Practitioner and for those that wish to to advance to 2nd Degree/Chuden, additional self-study and supervised practicums are required. 2nd Degree and higher is recommended for working with reiki beyond family, friends and pets and in clinical healthcare settings.
Reiki (ray-kee) translates from Japanese as Sacred Energy of the Universe. 'Reiki Ryoho', is the Japanese hands-on Healing Art/Method, originating in 1922 with USUI Mikao Sensei, a Jodo-shu (Pure Land Sect) a lay Buddhist.
The practice of Reiki promotes relaxation, relief of tension, improved comfort, increased calm and self-healing. No matter what level you aspire to, reiki practice begins with 'self' and the focus of this weekend training is on 'Self-Reiki for Self-Care.' The more we take care of ourselves, the more we have to offer to others.
Komyo Reiki is a 'Keep it Simple' Japanese Reiki System based on the Japanese aesthetic, 'Less is More.' Reiju and standardized teaching materials come from the Founder of Komyo ReikiDo™ INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei, a Buddhist monk from Kyoto Japan, 3rd in line from the Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho, USUI Mikao Sensei.
Healthcare Providers: Ask about our Continuing Education hours for Case Managers, Massage Therapists, Nurses, Occupational Therapist and Social Workers.
Karen is trained to the Teacher Level in 2 Reiki Systems, Western Usui and Japanese Komyo. She has been practicing reiki since 1998, offering reiki in hospitals since 1999, and has been employed to offer reiki in Cancer Centers since 2005, including North Shore Medical Center, Massachusetts General and Tufts Medical Center.
Karen teaches from a scientific (evidence-based) approach as well as from the spiritual aspects of Japanese culture, history and traditions. Students are supported in their practice through additional mentoring, monthly Reiki Shares/Clinics, and other opportunities for reiki practice and meditation (for advanced students).
Classes are also offered in Sedona AZ, Vermont, Maine and can be offered 'on-site' for groups of 8 or more. Contact us for details.