Empty Bowl TO GO 2.0
Date and Time
Saturday May 7, 2022
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
Saturday May 7
4-6 p.m.
Reservations required and available at FOODPANTRY.org/empty-bowl
Pay-what-you-can tickets are available at FOODPANTRY.org/empty-bowl
Contact Information
The Open DOor
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A fun-filled drive-thru event, The Open Door Empty Bowl TO GO 2.0 fundraiser returns this weekend.
Empty Bowl events are held nationwide, raising funds for hunger-relief programs. The bowl goes home with participants as a reminder: somewhere, someone’s bowl is empty.
The Open Door has held an Empty Bowl fundraiser annually since 2001, except in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic first hit.
Pay-what-you-can tickets for the Empty Bowl TO GO 2.0 event are available at FOODPANTRY.org/empty-bowl. Ticket holders at the event will receive a hand-painted bowl, soup, bread roll, cookie, and water. Participants will also receive fruit directly from The Open Door’s new Mobile Market Farmers Truck, and dog treats will be available for pets along for the drive-thru ride with their owners.
Soups offered at the event will include the popular clam, corn and fish chowders along with hearty tomato and white bean with quinoa (gluten free, vegan, and kosher [non-certified]), chicken and rice (gluten free and kosher [non-certified]), mushroom soup (kosher [non-certified]).
The Empty Bowl online auction is also live at biddingowl.com/theopendoor. Approximately 40 Cape Ann artists and local elected officials created bowls to be auctioned off in support of hunger-relief programs of The Open Door. The auction closes May 13.