Christmas-by-the-Sea 2023
Date and Time
Thursday Nov 30, 2023 Sunday Dec 3, 2023
Thursday, November 30: 5 - 7 PM
Friday, December 1: 10 AM - 8 PM
Saturday: December 2: 10 AM - 3 PM
Sunday, December 3: 9 AM - 3:30 PM
Various Locations - See Event Description for Detailed Information
Events free unless otherwise noted in description
Contact Information
Michelle Pepin 978-283-1601
Send Email
Join Us for Fun-filled Days of Holiday Events in Manchester-by-the-Sea!
Thursday, November 30
- Greater Cape Ann Chamber Christmas Party & 50/50 Raffle: 5 - 7 PM | Location Bravo by the Sea: Food, friends, & cash bar - all are welcome to join us!
- Holiday Open House at Manchester-by-the-Sea Museum: 12 - 5 PM Children's program and ornament crafting. 5 - 8 PM: Passbook stamping. Museum Holiday Cards on sale at the Museum.
- The Manchester Holiday Stroll: 4 - 8 PM | Downtown Businesses, Manchester. Support Manchester businesses. Stroll around town, enjoy refreshments at many shops & collect stamps in your Holiday Stroll Passbook. Turn in your completed Passbook at Boo Bird (*Note Change of location) by 8:15 pm for a chance to win one of three prizes: $200, $100, or $50 in Cape Ann Gift Checks. There will also be a 50/50 Raffle! Details and Passbooks available at local businesses.
- Parents Night Out: 5 - 8 PM | Cornerstone Church. Drop your kids off in their Holiday Pajamas for an evening of fun activities, free pizza, and a showing of a holiday movie. Free for children ages Pre-K to Grade 5. Pre-registration is required at cornerstonenorthshore.org.
- Friends of the Manchester Public Library Holiday Book Fair: 4 - 8 PM | FPC Parish Hall Located behind Santander Bank. Join the Friends of the Manchester Public Library to peruse the hottest new book titles from the Beverly Farms Bookstore! Adults? and children's books, stocking stuffers, wrapping paper, cards, and more!
- Holiday Open House at Manchester-by-the-Sea Museum: 10 AM - 3 PM Ornament crafting. Museum Holiday Cards on sale at the Museum.
- Lindsey & Her Puppets: 10:30 AM | Parish Hall Located behind Santander Bank Lindsey & Her Puppet Pals is a funny, fast-paced interactive show to delight the young and the young at heart! Following the show, visit the Manchester Library for treats. Sponsored by Friends of the Manchester Public Library
- Jingle Bell Walk: 1 - 3 PM | Masconomo Park: Santa will arrive at Masconomo Park by boat and lead the children in a parade around the park and then be available for pictures. There will also be a petting zoo, crafts, face painting, a candy cane hunt, refreshments and a visit from Mrs. Claus!
Sponsored by the Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce, Manchester Community Center, Manchester Mothers' Club and the Parks and Recreation Department. - Night of Stars Talent Show: 4 PM | Manchester Essex Regional Middle High School. Tickets & Info at spauldingeducationalfund.org.
Sponsored by Spaulding Education Fund
- Breakfast & Photos with Santa: 9 AM - 12 PM | Manchester Masonic Lodge, 10 Church Street Breakfast ($12 each - under 5 free). Kids & dogs welcome for photos with Santa!
- Manchester Library Open House: 1 - 2:30 PM Come by for some holiday cheer and to meet the new Library Director & the Library Board of Trustees
- Community Carol Sing: 2:30 - 3:15 | Inside First Parish Church Join us around the piano to sing some traditional carols and get in the mood for the tree lighting. Happening no matter the weather.
- Community Friendship Tree Lighting & Program: 3:30 PM | In front of Town Hall Common Enjoy a concert by the MERHS Band, Chorus and Sound Waves, as well as a dance performance by students of the Ballet de Mar School. The tree lighting will go on at dusk regardless of the weather.
Sponsored by the Manchester Woman's Club | Hot Chocolate donated by the Masons