23rd Irish Sweepstakes
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
The Mansion at the Hellenic Center
117 County Road
Ipswich, MA 01938
$100 per ticket
Contact Information
Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce
Send Email

2022 Winners!
$10,000: Vicki Hyde
$2,500: Dennis Silva & Dan Cavalla
$1,000: Jason Moses, Rick Wadsworth, Beverly Low, Maribeth Linskey, and Mary Foote-Hill
$500: Jamie Kelley, Kurt Gross, Jennifer Rollins, Amy Lage, and Connor McCarthy
50/50 Raffle: ($1,940): Jim Brown ($970 split)
Lucky Loser: ($100): Crow’s Nest Girls
Are you ready to test your luck this Saint Patrick's Day? Join us at the Hellenic Center in Ipswich to celebrate the 23rd year! Several "pots of gold" will be given out, a total of $20,000 with the largest prize being $10,000! Tickets are $100 each, call the Chamber today to get your ticket and 50/50 ticket too!
Sponsored by:
Gold: Seashore Comfort Solutions
Silver: Anthony & Dodge, PC., SeniorCare Inc.
Bronze: McWalter Volunteer Insurance Agency
Additional sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact sara@capeannchamber.com.